Huskify Appointment BookingApp Documentation
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01. Overview

Appointment Booking Abookly is a shopify application allow Merchants create service allow their customer rentals or appointments

Note: Shopify Store Demo required password to access, so you shoud access app store demo via access to the app on the shopify store

what the application benefit?

- Support create service allow rentals or appointments by daily, nightly, hourly or slot

- Merchants can manage service price for everday, each day, each hour or slot easily

- Merchants can manage service quantity for everday, each day, each hour or slot easily

- Merchants can manage rentals or appointments or service's orders easily

- The application support advance charts help Merchants can see rentals or appointments, renueve easily.

2. App configure
2.1. Configure Storefont

To complete app setup, You have to enable embeds block and add app sections to product page in your store

- Enable embeds block

In the app dashboard, Click to Enable App embeds To online Store button

when embeds block is enable in your online store, You can click to Save button

- Add app sections to product page in your store

In the app dashboard, Click to Add app sections to product page in your store button

In the App sections page, You can see 3 app sections to add to product page in your online store. You can click to each button to Add the app section to the product page in online store

The app section is added to your product page automatically, You can move or drag to the possition that you want and click save

You can configure app sections like that:

2.2. Manage Setting

- You can change format date, format time, show/hide (only in premium plan) in app's Setting

- Go to Manage Setting by click to Manage Setting on left Sidebar menu:

- Complete setting form and click save

3. Manage Service
3.1. Rent Type daily

Rent type as daily allow customer rent or appointments by day. Example: Customer rent your car from 10/05/2024 to 15/05/2024, So Total rental day = 6 days, You can see more on Image bellow

Go to Manage Service by click to Manage Service on left Sidebar menu:

Click to Button Add service on the top right corner

Select Product and Click Continue Button

Select Type Rent By Daily

Service Setting include fileds:

  • + Avaiailable on: You can select service available on day in the week
  • + Allow Number To Book: You can select Allow Number day that cusomer can rental. Default: Unlimited

Click Save button if you need update Service Setting

Go To Service Price Selection and Click to Add Price Button on the right corner

Price type include fileds:

  • + Date Type: Every Day or Specific Day
  • + Start Date: (if Date type is Specific Day)
  • + End Date: (if Date type is Specific Day)
  • + Duration: set duration for time, for example: 60, 90 minute
  • + Status: Set Status for price, Avaiailable (Default), Special (applied for Discont), Booked ( sold out) and Unavailable
  • + Price: Set Price for your service
  • + Promo: Set promo for your service, if you want to set discount for service

if you want to price for everday day, You can Select Date Type as Every day

if you want to price for period day, You can Select Date Type as Specific Day and enter Start Date and End Date

After Save price, you can see it on Price List

3.2. Rent Type as Nightly

Rent type as nightly allow customer rent or appointments by nightly. Example: Customer rent your car from 10/05/2024 to 15/05/2024, So Total rental day = 5 days, You can see more on Image bellow:

Go to Manage Service by click to Manage Service on left Sidebar menu:

Click to Button Add service on the top right corner

Select Product and Click Continue Button

Select Type Rent By Nightly

Service Setting and Price are same Type Daily

3.3. Appointment type hourly

Appointment type hourly allow cusomer can rent or appointments by hourly, For example: cusomer can rent or appointments your Motorcycle from 07:00AM to 09:00AM in 22/02/2024, You can see more on Image bellow:

Go to Manage Service by click to Manage Service on left Sidebar menu:

Click to Button Add service on the top right corner

Select Product and Click Continue Button

Select Type Appointment By Hourly

Service Setting include 2 fields:

  • + Avaiailable on: Select sevice available on the week
  • + Allow Number Hours To Book: Set Number Hours allow customer can rental or appointments. Default: Unlimited

Click to Save button if you udpate Service Setting

Go To Service Price Selection and Click to Add Price Button on the right corner

Complete price form and click to save

Price type include fileds:

  • + Date Type: Every Day or Specific Day
  • + Start Date: (if Date type is Specific Day)
  • + End Date: (if Date type is Specific Day)
  • + Start Time Hour & Start Time Minute: Set Start Time for service
  • + End Time Hour & End Time Minute: Set End Time for service
  • + End Time Hour & End Time Minute: Set End Time for service
  • + Duration: set duration for time, for example: 60, 90 minute
  • + Status: Set Status for price, Avaiailable (Default), Special (applied for Discont), Booked ( sold out) and Unavailable
  • + Price: Set Price for your service
  • + Promo: Set promo for your service, if you want to set discount for service

3.4. Appointment Type Slot

Appointment type allow Merchants create service allow customer book by slot, for example: 07:00AM, 08:30AM, You can see more on Image bellow

Go to Manage Service by click to Manage Service on left Sidebar menu:

Click to Button Add service on the top right corner

Select a product and click continue

Service Type

Select Service type Appointment By Slot

Service Setting

Service Setting include fileds:

  • + Avaiailable on: Select sevice available on the week
  • + Slot Type: Simple Duration, Multi Duration, and Advance Slot
  • + Display Full Slot: Display Start time and End time in the slot, For example: 8:00AM - 10:00AM
  • + Display quantity in slot, for example: 8:00AM 10 Avaiailable

Click To Save button if you update data in Service Setting

Price Serivce Selection

Price for slot type is depend to Slot Type in Service Setting

if Merchants Select Simple Duration, Merchants will set up service start time, end time and duration, App will create list slots base on them.

Click to Add Price Button in Top Right Serivce Price Selection

Complete price form and click Save, Price form includes fileds:

  • + Date Type: Every Day or Specific Day
  • + Start Date: (if Date type is Specific Day)
  • + End Date: (if Date type is Specific Day)
  • + Duration: set duration for time, for example: 60, 90 minute
  • + Status: Set Status for price, Avaiailable (Default), Special (applied for Discont), Booked ( sold out) and Unavailable
  • + Price: Set Price for your service
  • + Promo: Set promo for your service, if you want to set discount for service

If you select Slot type as Multi Duration, You can configure Duration, quantity and price for each duration, app will create time slot for each duration

In the frontend, Customer can select Duration, Slot to Add To Cart, You can see more on Image bellow

In the Service Setting => Slot Type Select Multi Duration

In the price form, Click to Configure Duration

After Click to Configure Duration Button, you can configure Duration, quantity and price for each duration

- If you Select Slot Type as Advance Slot, you can Configure Start time, End time, quantity and price for each slot

In the price form, Click to Add Slot Button

After that, You can configure start time, End time, quantity and price for each slot

After Add service, The service lists will be available in Manage Services

4. Checkout And Manage Service Orders
4.1. Cart and Checkout

After Select Date, hour or Slot in Book Form, Cusomers can add Service to cart. Note: They Can not update quantity for item in cart

Customer can Checkout the service as Standard product.

4.2. Send Request For Quote

We provide function allow customer can Send Request For Quote, Customer can book item and send request for quote instead checkout, Merchants will confirm with cusomer and create order

Merchants See request for quote in admin, he can confirm with and create order.

4.3. Manage Serivce Orders

After cusomer checkout, Merchants will see the Serivce order in Manage Orders

Merchants can update service status for each item in the order by clicking to View Order

Merchants View And Update Service for all Items on Manage Appointment & Rent

4.4. Advance Charts

Merchants can see Report in Advance Charts, it will displayed chart as line for each status

App will display Charts for Rentals & Appointment Status and Type

App will display renueve for each month

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